"Greenyard Frozen offers a wide range of frozen food products that cater to the needs and desires of any lifestyle."
“We believe fruit and vegetables are key to a healthier future for everyone, and a more sustainable way of feeding the world.”
"Greenyard Frozen offers a wide range of frozen food products that cater to the needs and desires of any lifestyle."
“We believe fruit and vegetables are key to a healthier future for everyone, and a more sustainable way of feeding the world.”
"Greenyard Frozen offers a wide range of frozen food products that cater to the needs and desires of any lifestyle."
What we do
The fruit and vegetables universe
Greenyard is one of the largest suppliers of fruit and vegetables in the world. We offer healthy food products for any lifestyle, age group or consumption. Fresh, frozen or prepared. Traditional or new varieties. Exotic or local. Pre-packaged or in bulk.
Greenyard is continuously expanding its international presence. We combine our worldwide network with local sales offices and production plants, making sure we are always close to our customers.
Greenyard publishes information about its activities and its divisions on a regular basis. This section is a central point to find up-to-date information about Greenyard and its divisions. Here you can download the corporate company brochure as well as the divisional brochures and other printed matter.